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Honoring Our Heroes

 "Honoring Our Heroes" will be back for our fifth year and we are expanding our reach.


This is a variety showcase for charity. First responders and healthcare workers will get in to the show free. Any proceeds from ticket sales, raffles, and donations will go to local charities to support our frontline workers. This year we are including advocacy centers. Agencies that support victims of abuse, assault, and domestic violence get counseling, shelter, and whatever other support they may need. The show will be held on July 19th, 20th and 21st of 2024 at the Keating Theater in Kirkwood. Please contact me if you are a dancer, singer, performer or choreographer interested in performing. If you have a talent you want to showcase, contact me. I am looking for volunteers willing to help. I am also looking for sponsors to help me cover cost. These sponsors will be listed in our program according to which sponsor ship level they fall into. We are a non-profit organization, I am happy to supply the letter as proof, so all donations are tax deductible.  You can also purchase an ad space in the program for $25 each. Any money raised past the amount needed to put on the show, will go directly to charity. I am keeping a ledger, available for public view at any time, to keep track of donations and purchases. Checks, or credit. Checks should be made payable to Honoring Our Heroes. Again, a strict ledger will be kept. Any donation large or small from a person or business is appreciated and will be recognized in the shows program. 


I am pleased to announce that as of this year we are adding a scholarship program. The Jim Heuer Nursing Scholarship is now available. If you are interested in applying or learning more, please see details on the next page. 


I also encourage you to join the Honoring Our Heroes STL Facebook page for more information and to stay updated on announcements.


To reserve or purchase tickets, make a donation, purchase ad space, become a sponsor, volunteer, or performer contact Julie Heuer at 314-308-3909 or at



The Kirkwood R-7 school district does not endorse the goals, objectives, activities, or opinions of any non-sponsored clubs or their members nor does the District encourage or discourage student participation therein.

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